Edited by
Kathleen Miller
Sterling Woods Neighborhood Meeting
Monday, September 20, 2004 – 7:30 PM
Sammamish Fire Station #82
(On Sahalee Way, a few blocks from the library, across from a
fenced soccer field)
The Sterling Woods Home Owners Association board has called this
meeting so that we as the members of the Sterling Woods Home
Owners Association can discuss issues surrounding the
unauthorized cutting of trees in common greenbelt areas and the
consequences to us. There will be no voting at this meeting.
Here is the agenda:
• Meeting called to order, introduction of board members and
the issue(s)
• 10 minute review/recap of AbiEzzi’s perspective
• 10 minute review of Wright’s perspective
• 20 minute presentation of the research, findings and
perspective from the HOA board.
(10 additional minutes provided as the board is presenting on
both occurrences)
• 50 minutes of discussion with all home owners present
If you have questions regarding the meeting, please direct them
to our two board members, Scott Cosman
scosman@comcast.net and
Scott Porter
Mailbox Security
You may have read in the local paper that Sammamish
neighborhoods are still being targeted by identity thieves who
steal mail to get credit card information and checks. If you are
tired of driving to the bank to pick up your checks, then join
up with Sterling Woods neighbors who are working on replacing
the current mailboxes with locked boxes similar to the ones now
in Timberline. Your neighbor Albert Jee of NE 21st CT has
volunteered to chair a committee which will work on this issue.
The committee will report to the board and the neighborhood on
its recommendations. If you would like to work with Albert
please email him at aljee@hotmail.com
The Mother of All Garage Sales Is Coming
My son Mychal and I are members of the Redmond Toddler Group and
I am on their board. Saturday, October 16, the Redmond Toddler
Group (RTG) will be holding its annual giant garage sale to
benefit Eastside Baby Corner, Children’s Hospital and RTG. The
sale will run from 9 AM to 1 PM in the group’s warehouse. You
can get directions to the RTG facility, which is just off 520,
near Microsoft and the PRO Sports Club, by visiting RTG's
website at
www.redmondtoddler.org If you want to get the best
selection, visit the sale early. For best prices, shop the last
half an hour when everything will be offered for 50% off the
initial price.
RTG is accepting donations for the sale of clothing, toys and
accessories for infants, toddlers and children up to age five.
You are welcome to leave donations in a box or bag on my porch
up until October 14. Dave and I are at 1920 205th PL – the long
white house with the blue door – last house as you leave the
neighborhood on the left hand side. Please leave only clean,
washed clothes and items that fit the criteria above – no
household items.
If you have questions, feel free to email me directly at
As always, if you have information
to share for the next newsletter, please email me at